The Evolution of Garden Bed Development at River Valley Acres
The Evolution of Garden Bed Development at River Valley Acres For this, the latest (and possibly last) extension to the River Valley Acres vegetable gardens, we decided to take a different approach to new bed creation. For those who have been following the evolution of the vegetable garden, I would like to recap how we [...]
And What War Would You Like Today, Sir?
And What War Would You Like Today, Sir? By the end of World War 2, the most destructive war in history, the United Kingdom was spending over 50% of GDP on the military. The USA a little less as a percentage, but still over 40%. Contrast this with today, where most national military expenditure as [...]
How Can One Billion Trees Be a Problem?
How Can One Billion Trees Be a Problem? As part of New Zealand's answer to meeting our climate change obligations is the crazy policy of one billion trees. What this policy says, in essence, is that rather than cutting back on our carbon emissions in transport, farming and other sectors, instead, we will offset them, [...]
Blue Duck Warriors
Blue Duck Warriors I have always found it refreshing to spend time with passionate, hard-working people who have come together for a common goal. Hard-working people coming together in pursuit of a common goal was the situation at River Valley Lodge last weekend, the 29th and 30th August 2020. It was a diverse group comprising [...]
Early Spring Musings
Early Spring Musings While not officially Spring yet, today, Spring is here. Early daffodils are adding a splash of colour to the green of pastures. The grass is growing, but surprisingly wanting some rain. Who would have thought we would ever say that at the end of a Taihape winter? There are a few lambs [...]