The Elephant in the Sky
The Elephant In The Sky Tourism Industry experts love trotting out forecasts. Forecasts of visitor arrivals. Forecasts of how much they are going to spend. Forecasts of the, always positive, impacts all these people will have on New Zealand. More employment. Economic growth in the regions and so on. And yet the elephant in the [...]
Does Tourism Bring People Together?
Does Tourism Bring People Together? It is often said that tourism has the power or maybe the possibility to bring people together. Amongst its supposed positive attributes are visitors learning about and learning to accept, even embrace, other cultures. Tourism often prides itself, at least in New Zealand, in showcasing indigenous culture, in our case [...]
Food From a Micro Farm
Ours By Right
Ours By Right This last summer, new signs went up by the popular swimming spot on the Rangitikei River outside River Valley Lodge. The signs are part of a nationwide initiative set up throughout New Zealand and administered by Regional Councils, in our case Horizons. Regional Councils in New Zealand, amongst their other roles, are [...]
Farewell Indian Summer
Farewell Indian Summer The month of May is the last month of our horse trekking season. May 2019 has been a phenomenal amazing month of dry weather and warm sunny days, with gorgeous vivid hues of blues, greens and gold, painting the landscape, highlighted by the soft light cast low on the horizon. In May [...]