
I am writing this in that space of a few days between Christmas and New Year. Why I am writing is to reach out to those who follow River Valley and thank you for your support over yet another challenging year. While most of you may not have had the opportunity to visit, knowing that people out there value us is special and heartwarming.

As we move towards the close of 2021 and the start of 2022, the New Year is when we feel we can leave behind the past months and, true or not, almost start afresh in the coming year.

However, this coming year also has storm clouds on the horizon, so how do we deal with that?

In the past, I would have said, make some good plans and try and implement them. After all, that is best practice, isn’t it? Unfortunately, I have found that a difficult process at best in these times. So many decisions are made that impact us that we have no control over.

Instead, being the eternal optimist, I have gone down another path, which is I simply hope.

Hope – So

We hope that this coming year is a great one for you and your whanau

We hope that this coming year you enjoy a rich and meaningful life

We hope that solutions can be found to so many pressing problems, solutions that benefit us all

We hope to see many of you in the months to come

So, from us to you, have a good one, and may 2022 be kind to us all!

Brian, Nicola, Janey, Tom, Melissa and the rest of the staff and whanau

Sage & Megaw Family Photo 2021